Health Insurance Reform Updates Feed

Can an Employer Reimburse an Employee’s Individual Insurance Premiums on a Tax-Free Basis?

Employers frequently ask us if they’re allowed to help pay for an employee’s individual health insurance policy on a pre-tax basis. This article should help shed some light on the topic and opinions within the industry. The IRS recently issued a FAQ addressing what could happen if an employer reimburses... Read more →

30% of Employers Say They'll No Longer Provide Health Benefits After 2014

The results of a recent survey of 1,300 employers by McKinsey & Co., say 30% of employers asked said they “definitely” or “probably” will stop offering health care coverage after 2014. Health care reform laws that go into effect in 2014 will give individuals the option to purchase coverage from... Read more →

Health Care 'Exchanges' Cause Debate Among State Politicians

The issue of state-based health care exchanges has proved to be another point of contention among political leaders battling it out over health care reform. Health care exchanges are an attempt by health care reform designers to simplify the search for medical insurance for small businesses and individuals. Described as... Read more →

Health Care Reform Implications for Employers with Seasonal Employees

Many industries (e.g. ski resorts, retail, restaurants, agriculture, fishing and tourism) have a significant number of seasonal employees. These employees are hired by the employer to work for a limited period of time, typically during the employer’s “busiest” season. Health care reform legislation passed earlier this year will have significant... Read more →