#FinancialWellnessWednesday for 10/12/16
Cyber Breach Prevention Ethical Duty for Law Firms

My Car Was Broken Into - Who Covers My Property?

Shutterstock_476952994A couple of weeks ago, I went to leave for a doctor's appointment and noticed that the contents of my console were spread out on the passenger's seat and the back door wasn't fully closed. At first, I didn't think a thing of it. It's not uncommon for my husband to need to go into my car to look for something. When I sent him a text, I learned that it wasn't him.

Although it was disconcerting to know my car had been broken into, nothing had been stolen. Fortunately, I had the right coverage had items been taken, but that wasn't the case when I had my golf clubs stolen from a friend's car. 

We had been golfing earlier in the day and when we stopped to grab a bite to eat, my friend's car was stolen - along with its contents. Although the car was later recovered, the contents were not. My clubs were gone forever.

He contacted his auto insurance carrier and we learned pretty quickly that my clubs were not covered. Even if this had been my car that this happened in, auto insurance does not cover your personal property in the car. That is the job of your homeowners or renters policy. 

It's easy for renters to dismiss the need for coverage unless their complex demands proof of coverage, but this is just one instance where this coverage is very important. Let's say you were over a friend's house for the night and you brought your computer or you move in with your significant other, but aren't yet married. You guessed it. Should something happen to your personal property, you would need to have renters insurance (or homeowners if you own the home) to replace this property. 

Do you have questions about auto, home or renters? Send us a message! 


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