When Lawyers Mess Up: Current Malpractice Trends
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The Importance of Good Client Selection

Shutterstock_114759970Developing and implementing a client selection process is an effective way to define and develop a good client base. Effective client screening is all about trying to identify the good clients and weeding out all those who simply aren’t.

While there isn’t necessarily one correct way to do this, developing a standard set of questions to think about during that first meeting can go a long way in helping you and those with whom you practice make sound business decisions.

Effective Client Selection and the Initial Meeting

Efficient client selection requires an initial lawyer-client meeting that will allow you focus on the firm as well as on the prospective client to uncover potential issues before services are retained.

Some questions for the firm:

  • Do you have time to take a new matter on and give it your full attention?
  • Do you have the necessary expertise to handle this type of matter?
  • If the case would be handled on a contingency basis, does the firm have the funds to take it on?
  • If the case is a large and complex one, do you have sufficient support staff to handle it?

Now for the client:

  • Can you afford the firm’s services?
  • Have you discussed this matter with other attorneys prior to coming to this firm?
  • Do you have a retainer agreement concerning this matter with any other law firm?
  • Do you have any family members or friends affiliated with the firm?

While a new case or client may initially look like a great opportunity, a thorough client selection process will go a long way in building a caseload that is practical as well as profitable. For more information on LPL coverage and how client selection can affect the exposure of your firm to malpractice claims, contact USI Affinity today.


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