1 out of 5 homes in the U.S. will be broken into. Is yours next?
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You've got Auto and Life, but are you insured against the Japanese Giant Crab attack?

When you're trying to anticipate the bumps in the road that you might encounter in the future, USI Affinity can help you plan for everything you can think of.

It may be reassuring for some of you to know that there is also a company out there that will insure you against everything you would never think of.

UK-based British Insurance has compiled this list of some of its more unusual policies (these are real. Seriously):

  • In 2001, The National Sealife Centre in Birmingham, England insured its visitors against death and permanent disability occasioned by the Japanese Giant Crab 
  • In 1999, Mary Muphy insured herself against an immaculate conception in the year 2000
  • In 2001, Nicola Jones insured herself against becoming ugly – as determined by 10 independent building workers
  • In 2001, Andrew Areoff insured himself against receiving bad Christmas presents
  • In 2001, a "Captain Beaney" insured himself against abduction, impregnation and consumption by aliens

So, we'd like to know what kind of coverage we can get for the future hand-knit holiday sweaters we receive.


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